Tag: Max Isaacson

“Do Not Disturb” a new film by  Hugo Ortiz Clemens

The new film by Hugo Ortiz Clemens “Do Not Disturb” (starring Yadira Pascault Orozco and Max Isaacson) offers a satirical, fun, and entertaining approach to the question of “who makes it in Hollywood and why” through the sexual exploration of the main characters. Although from different backgrounds, Isla (brilliantly articulated by Yadira Pascault Orozco) is a Mexican soap opera actress trying to make it into the American market, and Ryan, (authentically portrayed by Max Isaacson) is an ex-Disney star who wants to be viewed as a more serious actor. They both want the same thing; to be recognized for their work, They have observed the craving from society to poke their noses into other people’s lives while being hyper-sexualized could be used to their advantage.